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One Piece manga - Spoiler és annak megbeszélése
Szerintem elég egyértelmű, hogy mivel linkeltem a heti fejezet spoilerét a szünet a következő hétre vonatkozik. Viszont nem Oda tart szünetet a Jump nem jelenik meg így egyáltalán nem lesz a következőhéten jumpos manga. Se Sns, se boku, se Gintama semmi.
Végre újra szerepel Law! Már hiányzott!
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Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy az a tanuki Chopper lesz-e...
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Bárcsak két fejezet jönne hetente... Lehet, hogy abbahagyom egy pár hónap erejéig a manga olvasását, mert kivárni a heti egy fejezetet néha kínszenvedés...
By YonkouProductions.
One Piece 918: Luffytaro Returns the favor.
(To start, the cover page story ends this chapter).
Luffy takes down Holdem, and runs away using Speed as his horse. She objects of course, but Tama uses her ability to tame her, and she's completely under his control as he tells her to bring the treasure ship to the people.
Tama mentions how Luffy saving her before reminds her of Ace, but Luffy can't hear her and she keeps it to herself. Meanwhile Law and Hawkins go at it, though the latter only begins to recognize the former a little at first. Law admits that he's not trying to kill Hawkins, just scare him away.
Though then the news of Holdem being taken down is reported and Law realizes they're in the worst case scenario as this will be reported to Jack. Zoro and Luffy crash the fight with the ship of food and all the people of Wano come out to celebrate being able to eat as they wish for the first time in a while.
Luffy announces himself to the people and brings them water and says it's repayment for Tama's kindness --before demanding meat, lol. Hawkins is seen reporting the disaster to someone as Luffy tells Tama not to settle with just this. He declares that now that he's in the country they'll be able to eat as much as they want every day --much like Ace said back when he was in Wano. Tama begins to cry at this, but says she's just surprised, not happy.
Law is annoyed but says they need to get moving to the ruins of Oden castle where he wants to meet the "ghosts of Wano".
Apparently Zoro's already been there as he remarks on how surprised he was when he saw it. "There's an unbelievable truth you need to see there". On gravestones are the names of Kanjuro, Kinemon, Oden, Momonosuke, and Raizou.
Quick Summary
919 The Ruins of Oden Castle
Tama heads home whilst being protected by Speed. The citizens of Okobore Town express their thanks to Luffy and the others as they head towards Oden Castle. Kiku asks that she also come along in order to help them search for their target.
Around that same time in the Flower Capital, several children are working hard at their studies. Their teacher (a rokuro kubi) asks them what is the policy of seclusion.
The children answer that is a closing off of the country in order to protect the peace of the nation. The teacher then asks what is opening up the country entails. The children answer that it is a very evil action inviting wicked people and their ideas into the country.
The teacher explains that there were once wicked people who attempted to open up the country. All the children exclaim in unison "Oden and the Nine Red Scabbards"* (actual translation up in the air).
The teacher explains that there was hero who punished these wicked men. The children exclaim "Shogun Kurozumi Orochi!
In a restaurant in the capital, there is a certain money-exchanger drinking sake.
His name is the "Dozing" Kyoushirou. He curses that Orochi is a coward. That is what Oden's wife cursed while Oden castle was ablaze 20 years ago.
The moon knows not of the dawn.
If it comes to pass, then that determination will cast nine shadows from the moonlight that interweaves 20 years together.
Then you will know the dazzling dawn.
Kyoushirou explains that Orochi interpreted this incantation as the spirits of nine samurai will appear in the moonlight 20 years later.
Luffy and the others arrive at the ruins of Oden castle.
In front of these ruins, Kiku begins to cry and runs off.
Luffy becomes flustered after discovering the graves of Kinemon and the others.
Kinemon himself arrives there. Kiku returns after finding Kinemon and hugs him with all her might.
In the meantime, Momonosuke and Sanji's group meet up with them. Now that everyone is present, they all converse and head towards inside the castle. Kinemon confesses to Luffy the secret they were hiding.
"You guys already know Kanjuurou, Raizou, and thus the three people here... makes a total of 5! We are people of the past who have attempted to hide something. The truth is that we have crossed over from the Wano Country of 20 years ago!"
Translated By : @Zoro4Prez2016
Source: 5ch
Detailed Summary
Coming Soon...
Számomra mindaddig rendben van, amíg ez egy egyszeri vagy legalábbis nem túl gyakori eset volt, és csak a jövőbe utazás lehetséges, a múltba pedig nem lehet visszatérni. De várjuk ki a végét. Az is lehet, hogy ez amolyan indirekt időutazás. Tehát nem közvetlenül kerültek előre 20 évet, hanem ténylegesen eltelt az az idő körülöttük.
Olvastam - tehát sajnálatomra nem saját kútfőből jutott eszembe- és elképzelhetőnek tartom, hogy mivel ilyesmi előfordul mind az ázsiai mind a mi mitológiánkban (lásd a hétalvók történetét), Oda innen is meríthetett ötletet.
Az csak nekem furcsa, hogy a gyerekek szolgaian visszamondják, hogy a gonosz idegenek, Oden meg akarta nyitni a határokat, stb, közben pedig ugyanúgy ott vannak az idegenek, Kaido kalózai és dirigálnak nekik és még az országot is tönkretették a gyárakkal, a mérgezéssel? Nincs köztük vagy a lakosság közt valaki, akinek ez feltűnik? Vagy vannak, csak inkább hallgatnak. Vagy pedig a főváros is ennyire izolálva van és tényleg nem is tudják, hogy az országban idegenek vannak? De ha jól rémlik a SMILE használók oda is csak bejárnak, nem? Róluk pedig le kell ríni, hogy nem helyiek.
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